Saint Luke 2. 41-52

First Sunday after the Epiphany: 9 January Anno Domini 2005

Fr Watson

In the Name of + Jesus

It is good that the Holy Family went yearly to the Holy City of Jerusalem, and to the Temple. They also went every week to the local Synagogue and prayed to God during their normal work week and family life. They, like you, were believers in the Lord. Their belief, like yours, could not remain static, theoretical, and abstract. Simply going to Jerusalem out of a sense of duty or obligation would have been empty and meaningless. The Lord did not want "burnt offerings" for the sake of "burnt offerings," He desired that men repent of their sin, turn to Him in contrition, and believe the Promise of His coming Redemption. It is good that you come to Mass, but if you do it only out of a sense of obedience to the Third Commandment, then you're operating with the same incorrect understanding of the Law as the Muslim who "must" pray to Mecca five times a day. No, you are drawn here to Church for the same salutary reason Joseph led his little flock up to the Jerusalem church: Passover! God had given them faith in His Promise, and in His Son Whom He had entrusted into their safe-keeping. They could look to the Passover with more attention and awe than most; for all the blood of the animals pointed in a bright red arrow to their 12-year old boy. The way the sacrifice of the lambs had redeemed Moses, Aaron and the other Hebrew sinners from bondage to slavery, because of what the Lord was "going to do," so too the Blood of Jesus would set free His own Mother and Guardian; the Blood of Jesus liberates you as well from any and all prisons and addictions you are in.

The Holy family went yearly. Why is this particular year, this recording made of their southerly trek? This was the year that Jesus was twelve. That is not coincidental. Jesus is not just the New Adam, the One Who regains Paradise by His obedience; but He is also the New Israel. In His sacrificial death on the cross He pays for all the sins of the 12 sons of Jacob, of Israel. In Jesus' atoning work He gathers together 12 baskets full of all men---that none would be wasted. He has gathered you into His gamers (barns).

What happened to the Holy Family in Jerusalem has happened to many parents since; the temporary loss of a child. Any parent who has ever looked up and suddenly realized their son or daughter isn't there knows the raw terror ripping at the heart and throat. But remember, Jesus wasn't lost. He hadn't done anything wrong. Mary and Joseph had lost sight of Him, had become unaware of Where He was. If you take your eyes off Jesus, you too can wander away from Him and get lost. And yes, it causes panic when its reality registers.

When you need forgiveness where do you go? When you're hurting is so bad that it causes tears, pain, convulsions, where do you go? Where is your true physician? What did Joseph and His Virgin Bride do? Wasn't God out there on the highway with them? Wasn't God protecting the caravan of travelers? Yes. God is at the South Pole as well as the giant planet Jupiter. God's kingdom of power exists for preservation and order. But when one needs Jesus where is one drawn by the Spirit? Not to relatives, kinsfolk, family traditions or friends and acquaintances; not even to fervent prayer and deep devotions. They were drawn to church. They found Him on the Third Day. The Lord is never lost, rather He is enthroned on His Altar; He stands in His ambo (his pulpit/lectem) to teach and preach; He waits upon His table, washing feet and providing meat and drink (Body and Blood). Note well, Joseph and the Virgin didn't find Him on Calvary, they found Him in the Temple ("in the midst of the teachers," for He is the ultimate Teacher, Truth incarnate). Your Third Day to be in His presence, is Sunday, the great Day of Resurrection and Life Eternal. For them, how poignant to find the Blood Shedder "to be," that close to the altar of sacrifice. How significant now for you, 2,000 years later, to find the Blood-Shedder "It is finished" on the altar of Divine Service.

The Lord's reply to His parents, to their concerns and expectations, was not a rebuke, but the Truth: "did you not know that I must be about My Father's business?" Luther says that Jesus was telling them He had to be about "God's Word." Yes.

The 12-year old boy from Nazareth amazed the "doctors of the Torah" that day in the Temple courts. He gave them Truth; He gave them Law and Gospel promise. They just didn't realize He was the Good News in the very flesh and blood. These scribes wouldn't be so amazed with the Nazarene when they would deal with Him in their midst again in 20 short years.

Beloved, Jesus is here, not twelve years old, but eternally alpha young and everlastingly omega wise and good. He is here in this New Testament Temple waiting to give you again The New Testament. Jesus is here in you today, you the Temples of the Holy Ghost. He is here about His Father's business. The Law is taken off your bent and bruised back. He fulfills the commands; you're free. He is crucified for you; you are healthy and clean once again. He takes away your falsehood and throws it into the depths of the sea. He gives you Himself. You are the Father's business!! Every thing that the Living Lord now does. He does for you.

In the Name of The Father and of The Son + and of The Holy Ghost