Saint John 15. 26 - 16. 4

Exaudi - The Sixth Sunday after Easter: 8 May Anno Domini 2005

Fr Watson

In the Name of The Father and of The Son + and of The Holy Ghost

Christ the Lord says most emphatically: "When," not "if." He says not "if" I send, but rather "When" I send. It's a done deal. The crucified and risen Lamb promises you, in His blood, that He shall send you the Helper from the Father; SHALL! And also, what a beautiful recognition of God the Holy Trinity: Son, Father, and Helper. The Helper is the Third Person of the Godhead, God the Holy Ghost.

That God the Son thinks you need a "helper" speaks legion. The hallmark of a human being moving from infant (where they are completely dependent on momma and poppa) to toddler, is their indomitable insistence to do things "by themselves"; so too in the realm of The Faith. There is a reason the Lord said one had to "receive" the Kingdom as a little child, a baby, for to receive is the opposite of "doing for oneself." To receive help from a helper means that one needs assistance.

What does the Holy Ghost give you that you receive? What does He do? Who is He?

He is God. What does the Christ call Him? He is referred to here as the "Spirit of Truth." Yes, He is a Spirit. He Himself is not seen. Spirit, or ghost, or breath, or wind is received in the effects produced and created. He is the breath of Truth for He brings to you Truth. Yes He is a true and accurate witness, but more than that. He delivers into your lives, into you, TRUTH itself; TRUTH INCARNATE. The Holy Ghost stands beside you and directs you by the Word into the WORD. The Spirit gives you Jesus Who Himself is the way, the life, and THE TRUTH. You're not merely given right information, correct answers to the "Jeopardy Questions of Life," but you are given the God/Man's very reality.

That's the "what" but we want the practical answer don't we? How? How does this happen to me, and what does it mean for me? The Small Catechism gives you the answer doesn't it? "I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him: but the Holy Ghost has called me by the Gospel enlightened me with His gifts, sanctified and kept me in the true faith..." The Spirit gives you the Truth, Jesus, in and by the Word of God, the Scriptures to be sure, but specifically in the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus' perfectly obedient life on your behalf; and Jesus' perfectly atoning sacrificial death in your place. The Holy Spirit gives you the Scriptures which preach and teach you all of this ("and I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life. ..Who spake by the prophets...") The Holy Spirit likewise gives you this Gospel message in Holy Baptism ( "I Baptize you," i.e. I wash you clean of sin, "in the Name of The Father and of The Son + and of the Holy Ghost"). The Holy Ghost gives you the pure Gospel, the New Testament itself, in the very testamentary words of Christ spoken on the night of His betrayal, on your behalf: "Take eat, this IS My Body, for you, take drink, this IS My Blood of the New Testament, for you, for the forgiveness of sins."

What a package deal. It's all in all. The Holy Spirit brings you the Gospel, the Word of Light, Remission, and Life, which is Christ's Body and Blood given and shed brought to you from Calvary and made your own. All that Christ did, all that He is, is given you as a free gift by this "Helper," this oh so Holy Ghost; Divine Paraclete-counselor.

Saint John the Baptizer could only testify once to Christ at the Jordan River: "Behold the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world." But the Holy Ghost's testimony is eternal. Every + absolution, every daily remembrance of the Sacrament of washing, every Eucharist, the Spirit gives you the testimony of truth, and gives you Truth Himself.

It doesn't matter what your sinful old Adam wants. God gives you Christ and the Forgiveness of your sinful self by His Bloody Crucifix. You may want happiness, ease, affirmation, success, wealth, long earthly life, fun, and power... but what God gives you is comfort: "for where there is forgiveness of sins there is also life and salvation."

Only the truth, "leveling with you, being honest with you," brings you honest comfort.

Only being on "The Way," the genuine path of restoration and homecoming, brings you lasting comfort.

Only having Him Who IS LIFE ENFLESHED is comfort; the peace that passeth understanding.

Is it only a 2,000 year old story? Is it only a past event of spectacular show - the fiery tongues of Pentecost? No. Christ told the Twelve that they too would bear witness to Him. They would testify of the Truth whenever they preached, absolved and distributed Him. They would also testify to Him by being made like Him, by being conformed into His very own "cruciform" with their own bloody martyrdoms.

For one of Jesus' original disciples, His followers, to be placed into the Holy Office of New Testament Apostle, it was required that they had been with Him from the beginning. The Twelve had been there at His public "Alpha," His Baptism, all the way to His final public "Omega," His Ascension to Glory.

You too are His witnesses in these "Last Days" of His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. It's not that you have been with Him since His ministry began, but rather that He has been with you since your service began, since He breathed life, The Holy Spirit, in to you at your Holy Baptisms. And now you witness to your family, friends, co-workers, fellow students, acquaintances, enemies and persecutors. You invite and you bring others here to His Word and His Sacraments. You do all these things by the Holy Ghost who inhabits you as His sanctified temple; Christ active in you.

In the Name of The Father and of The Son + and of The Holy Ghost