Saint Matthew 25. 1-13

Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Trinity: 20 November Anno Domini 2005

Fr Watson

In the Name of Jesus

The Kingdom of heaven consists in all that which belongs to the King. The King is God. The King is God the Father almighty maker of heaven and earth. The King is His only begotten Son, Jesus our Lord. + The King is the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life.

All mankind was meant to be with the King in His Kingdom. The King loves all that He created with a love that is beyond all understanding. Man at the beginning rebelled against the King and His Kingdom. Man tried to usurp with devilish intent that which belongs only to the creator. Man chose to walk away from the marriage of love and to become a wanton "woman-of-the-night"; whoring after other strange and demonic diversions which we call "the world, our flesh, and the devil."

But the love of the King for His people was (and is) so great that He would not let them go their own way. He came after them. He put into place His plan to bring them back to His kingdom; back to His banquet hall; back into marriage and communion with Himself. For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son. The King sent Jesus, Who Himself is also King in this wonderful Trinitarian reality. Jesus is King, Shepherd, Bridegroom, Life and Light. Christ Jesus is all in all. He is at the heart of every parable. He is the source of all truth, wisdom, and beauty.

The "Ten Virgins" is the sum and substance of all humanity; all people of all times and places. All of these people are to remain Virgins; they are to remain betrothed to their beloved Groom, King Jesus. He has already visited them in redeeming love and sacrificing grace. The King came to set them free; to set all of you free, for you too are part of the "Ten Virgins." The King exchanged your sinfulness for His sinless-ness. He took upon Himself your disobedience and disloyalty; your grossness and your pettiness. He placed upon you, and in you, His goodness and His justice; His mercy and His love for the Father. He did your work. He kept the rules. He paid the penalty for your daily wrong-doings. He paid the penalty upon the tree for your inherent corrupted natures and fallen conditions. He has now through the waters of Holy Baptism + given you a new image, a restored image, His very own righteousness. He has placed into your blackened existence His own heart, His own breath, His own shining bright light. He has done everything for you, and He has given you the faith to believe it; to believe in Him; to hold on to Him. He has laid in your very hands the "lamps of life."

The "Lamp" signifies your status as His brides, children, friends and five "wise Virgins." Only those Virgins who are "wise" will be brought into the Communion Fellowship of heaven when the King returns on the last day. That is, only those with functioning lamps; lamps with oil; will be admitted from the darkness of this world, and its sinful condition, into the hall which has no need for lamps since the Lord Himself is the Light. The oil signifies the faith which the King has already poured into your souls. An empty lamp means one who has no faith. A filled and trimmed lamp means one whom Jesus has claimed, nourished and sustained.

The oil of the Word was given you in your Baptisms. The oil of the Word is given you in His Words of Holy Scripture and expounded upon in the Sermons preached to you. The oil of the Word is given you in the Eucharist.

Filled to the brim with His oil, that is, with faith, that is, with Christ Crucified, you burn white hot with the Spirit of the Lord. He lights your way. He is that very way. And He guides you, shepherds you, and carries you, into the nuptial hall.

You are wise not of yourselves. You have not "done" any of this yourselves. The King is your wisdom, He is your head, and He has given you wisdom by giving you Himself.

Behold, the Bridegroom, the King, is here; come forward again to the communion rail and meet Him. You are fed and loved once again.

In the Name of The Father and of The Son + and of The Holy Ghost