Saint John 2. 1-11

The Second Sunday after the Epiphany: 15 January Anno Domini 2006

Fr Watson

In the Name of The Father and of The Son + and of The Holy Ghost

Man was made on the sixth day; and no doubt fell from grace soon thereafter. Six stone pots are worthless by themselves. Man was not made alone. The Holy Trinity--Three in One and One in Three--made man in His own image, male and female. Man was not meant to be alone, divorced, alienated, or independent. Man was made to be husband to his bride and woman was made to be bride to her husband; communion.

The Lord in His very essence is family and reciprocating love. He has extended this bond of community and marriage to His creatures who are now not only His precious children individually, but also His bride, collectively.

But there are fornicating adulterers and whores which have broken up this wedded bliss. Satan, your own fallen nature of sin, and the lures of an idolatrous world seek to keep everyone estranged, bitter, and unchaste. The Lord went to Cana of Galilee on the third day. The Father eternally begets the Son, and the Holy Ghost eternally proceeds from both the Father and the Son. The Persons of the Trinity are always together in perfect unity. The Christ goes to the wedding in Cana not by Himself but with His Church, His family, His Bride of Blood.

The mother of Jesus was there Saint John tells us. John would have known since he too was an eye-witness: "Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding." This should remind all faithful Christians of the beautiful icons which depict the Sending of the Spirit on Pentecost. In those images, the Blessed Virgin is always included amongst the "12" even as she was with them at the Cana banquet. The Shepherd always has His sheep gathered around Him. They know His voice and He is there to protect them and to feed them. The Lord of the House always has His faithful servants clustered about Him. And, where do the "little brothers" of a family most delight in being found, why right up next to their big brother! Yes, the disciples are always with Jesus for Jesus is always with His disciples. That's the reality of His church this very morning as well. All that Jesus did, He continues to do through His sent emissaries. The fact that there are twelve disciples gathered about Him in Cana is symbolic of His purpose as Savior--the re-gathering and re-constituting of the Nation of Israel, God's full family, both believing Jew and believing Gentile; believing in Jesus as God and Savior. And what of Mary? The Mother of God is present at the Feast because she too "represents" the Church of our Lord. He has set and established His family where He wants it to be, and it exists for the purposes He desires. No one comes to the Lord apart from His "Means of Grace" which are found only in His Word and in His Sacraments. The Word and the Sacraments have been entrusted to His Church and to Its called servants on behalf of, and for, all of His beloved saints--His brothers and sisters.

Where do you find Jesus? Yes, yes, in your bible, to be sure; but where do you find Jesus in the way He first found you; the way He longs to be with you? Your invitation is to be here; here at the wedding feast of course; at the banquet of the Lamb and His Bride; Here at pulpit, font, and altar. Here you find His disciples, His New Testament Apostles giving out His Words, His Absolutions, His Body and Blood. Here, you find His most Holy Mother, not only in all the saints, past & present, but amongst yourselves: "Who is My Mother? And who is my brothers and sisters? Those who hear the Word of God and keep It." The Blessed Virgin is with us this morning because she is safe with her Son; safe with all the company of heaven among whom you are numbered. Like they, you have been washed +, justified and sanctified in Christ's water and Blood.

As the God-Man once turned ordinary water into wine for the festive communion of the love of husband and wife for each other, so too, He stands here today to turn ordinary wine into His precious Blood for a greater Communion of Love. He gives you Himself--communion with God, and with all God's own. You are the forgiven Bride. You are pure, spotless and holy Bride. "The Law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." [Saint John 1.7] In the Name of The Father and of The Son + and of The Holy Ghost