Saint Matthew 15. 21-28

Reminiscere - The Second Sunday in Lent: 12 March Anno Domini 2006

Fr Watson

In the Name of The Father and of The Son + and of The Holy Ghost

Before they sinned Adam and Eve never had to say “Have Mercy on me, O Lord.”

This is the cry of sinners and only sinners. You are sinners not because you sin , which you do every day in actions, unspoken thoughts and ideas and physical activities, but because of what you are. After their plunge into the stygian depths of “self,” Adam and Eve could, should and would cry out “Have Mercy,” for they were truly miserable.

Sinners need to cry out with these same words used by the Syro-Phoenician woman in today’s text. But also, Christians, all of you, likewise need to make this Canaanite believer’s prayer you daily petition. His Mercy is only for the miserable. “Those who are well do not need a physician, but those who are sick.” [Lk. 5.31a]

You need to know this about Jesus, about your Lord, otherwise this morning’s Gospel is just an interesting, albeit wonderful, story about “demon possession” 2000 years ago which has no relevance to your life unless you know someone who happens to be demonically controlled. Jesus is present to help those struggling with Satan to be sure, but He is also here, really here, in His Word and Supper to assist all Christians in their daily trespasses.

The Lord uses all the evil things “set in motion” by the devil, the fallen world, and your own corrupted natures to achieve His own ends. His chief end is your salvation.

He has had enough mercy on your miserable condition to send His own beloved Son to take your place under the misery.

God uses the Law to get your attention when you stray from His word, precepts, will and loving care. The Law is found in His Word, but the Law can also affect some in concrete ways. This doesn’t mean that those with demon possessed daughters are greater sinners than those with daughters who have made the A honor roll and the Varsity Soccer team. But sooner or later all Christians, ALL Christians suffer and encounter all sorts of pain, be it physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual. The Lord uses these traumas to draw you closer to Himself; the dispenser of all Mercy. The Lord may even use these infirmities to reveal Himself to unbelievers and pagans.

The only will, motivation, mind, and purpose of God that we can know is that which He reveals in His Word. He reveals much of His grandeur and power in natural revelation (the World at large) but it ultimately tells us nothing of His love and care; of His Mercy. Only through the “Law, Prophets, Writings, Gospels and Epistles” does He show you how He really feels towards you; How He is disposed. Only through the Word made Flesh, the God/Man Christ Jesus do you encounter the real face and heart of the Blessed and most Holy Trinity. Don’t ask “what does it mean when it says God is Love?” Rather look at a crucifix and you will get your answer; re-read the passion accounts in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and you will know what Godly Love really is.

Where was God when that poor woman and her satan-scarred little girl were suffering so? Where was He? He was hanging on a blood soaked tree, suspended over the flames of hell and all-abandonment for them both; for all of you.

He comes to be The Lord. He comes to be the Son of David. He comes to be the Incarnated Second Person with flesh like your flesh, with blood like your blood. He comes to soak up all your sin as well as all your pain, brokenness, doubt, and chronic dysfunctionalism. Jesus has felt every injury or illness that has ever been suffered.

The Lord came to that woman to be with her, to absolve her of her sins, to strengthen her faith, and to heal her daughter. God doesn’t always heal you physically in this world of sorrow. But Christ does always come to be Present with you, to lift you up and buoy your spirit. He always comes for you to carry you home by absolving your sin and fortifying your faith.

The Shepherd is called good for a reason; it’s not an honorific title but a reality.

He always answers you in your best interests, always.

Yes, He didn’t answer the Canaanite woman immediately, at least not with a direct word from His mouth. But He was there, He didn’t leave.

He was there for you on Calvary’s crimson crest…bleeding and suffering your salvation out for you one droplet at a time. He was there for you in the Garden on Resurrection day already beginning to set in motion His plans for the expansion of His Kingdom to all Gentiles (not just Canaanites). He was there for you when your pastor poured His blood, in with and under the Water of Life when you were baptized. He’s here with us this morning in the “real ” crumbs which fall from the Master’s table. Eat His body and drink His blood and you will know His love. You will have Mercy.

In the Name of The Father and of The Son + and of The Holy Ghost