Saint John 20: 19-31

Quasimodogeniti-The First Sunday after Easter: 19 April Anno Domini 2009

Fr JW Watson, SSP

In the Name of The Father and of The + Son and of The Holy Ghost

The two incidents in our Gospel text occur on Easter AND the following Sunday. And, while Saint Thomas may appear to have "center-stage" in the reading, it is Christ Himself Who is the heart and soul of this familiar narrative.

For it is Jesus Who is the bringer of Peace-He gives us that which He is: "The Prince of Peace." And oh is it needed!

It was needed by the Disciples; the ones who had run away on Maundy Thursday and who still were struggling with what they had been told by the three Marys earlier on Easter morning (and then by the two returning disciples on the road to Emmaus).

Emotions were tight and quivering in that upper room Easter evening: sorrow, bewilderment, fear, cautious hope-even some unbelief had infiltrated this group of men.

[read vv 19-20]

Jesus' very first words to His friends: "Peace be with you" (or literally, in the Greek, Peace to you) are pure Gospel!

This was not just an empty greeting like "Hi guys how have you been doing; have you missed Me?" "Peace be with you" is fully good news! It is absolution (that is- forgiveness). And so, the first thing Jesus does is to forgive them their sins and restore them by declaring that all is well! Not only does Jesus Live, but He forgives! That was the Easter assurance to them and it is the Easter guarantee to you.

Have you had a bad week since we last assembled here to celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord? Many of you have. Sins still exists, the world is still alluring, your "old Adams" continue to chafe and itch with rebelliousness. And also, you have no doubt had trials, temptations, heart-aches and defeats this past week-in your families, in your jobs, at school, with your health and with your own emotions.

The Disciples thought they were in trouble too; they had been accomplices of that "trouble-making" Nazarene that the "good Jews" (the Pharisee, Sadducees, Scribes and Lawyers) had to have executed for His blasphemy. The Disciples were now rumored to have stolen Jesus' corpse and therefore had justifiably locked their doors for fear of the Jews-the same mob which had been so effective Thursday night.

Are your "doors" locked from time to time? Were your "doors" bolted tight this past week when you were experiencing some pretty tough times and were wondering "okay Jesus, I celebrated your Rising on Easter Sunday…now where are You when I need some help?" If you are human, and you are, then this has happened to you. Sometimes you "fear" because your faith is weak; sometimes you "fear" because you don't want to face the disapproval or scorn of the "Jews" of your own age and time (all those who don't believe in your Risen Savior). And when you fear, you pull away from Jesus and "lock your doors" to deny access to those on the outside; and to deny exit for sin. With the doors of your heart locked there is no way to drown the "old Adam." You become just like Saint Thomas. You too say "Unless [fill in blank] then Lord, I'm not going to pay attention to You and I'm not going to live my life as You have made me."

But hear now the GOOD NEWS of Jesus for you! Where are you right now? You're not at home behind locked doors; you're here at His Holy Church! You have been called by the Gospel and gathered by the Holy Spirit. You are gathered with other disciples on THIS first day of the week. How wonderful that we Christians celebrate Easter every Sunday during the year. And every day is sacred; a day that the Lord has made. Every evening for you is "the evening of the first day of the week." You live always as "Easter People" gathered around His Word and His Holy Meal. For it is in His Word and in His Word attached to earthly elements (bread & wine, water) that He comes to you and says "Peace to you!"

Peace is not a "feeling" a "nice wish" or even a life at ease without pain, difficulty, war and sorrow; but a solid, objective reality. Peace is a real thing, a new condition and status of ONENESS with your Heavenly Father, with Jesus, and with your brothers and sisters in faith.

You are reminded in Saint Peter's Epistle: "In His great mercy He has given you new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade."

This is the Peace which your dear Lord Jesus won for you by keeping the Commandments. This is the Peace which Christ won for you by dying on the cross to pay for your law-breaking and sin! This is the Peace which the Savior gives to you right now through the words of Peter, John, Luke and Himself.

Peter also writes: "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have to suffer grief in all kinds of trial…these have come so that you faith…may be proved genuine…you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible joy."

Peace IS WITH YOU, not just through the Scriptures on paper but also in the Gospel "alive & present" in The Office of the Keys [read vv. 21-2]

Jesus not only assured the Disciples with His Peace (Himself), but He also commissioned them (He ordained them pastors) to announce His Peace (Himself) to the entire world. Thus, Jesus created the Office of the Holy Ministry as His servant for His Bride (the Church) so that until He returns at the end of the world His Word of Peace in the absolution will always be proclaimed through the mouth of His called spokesmen.

"I, by virtue of my OFFICE as a called and ordained servant of the WORD, announce the grace of God unto all of you (HIS PEACE) and by the command of my Lord Jesus Christ, I forgive you all your sins (HIS PEACE) in the Name of The Father and of The + Son and of The Holy Ghost."

And lastly dear friends, Peace is with you because Christ continues to come to you with His real Body and true Blood to convince you-to strengthen you-and to stop the doubting of the weak. Jesus did not come just once to the Disciples with His real Body and Blood (with Its nail holes and spear wound) BUT He came back again for Thomas. He comes every Sunday so that Thomas then, and all the Thomas's now, would also have faith, forgiveness and Peace!

He loves you that much. He is Peace. Peace is with you NOW!

In the Name of The Father and of The + Son and of The Holy Ghost