Saint Matthew 20. 1-16

Septuagesima: 20 February Anno Domini 2011

Fr JW Watson SSP

In the Name of The Father and of + The Son and of The Holy Ghost

"He heard my voice out of His Temple." That too is the sweetest Gospel. You have been in trouble, you are constantly in trouble. You will be in trouble. You have had your lips opened to your by your Rescuer so that you might now cry out for aid and assistance. You have had your tongue loosed that you might sing His praises and bless Him with thanksgiving. His Temple is His family, yes; His Temple is His Church, to be sure; His Temple is Himself - - God in the Flesh, Immanuel, the God/Man Christ Jesus. The Temple is Christ's presence here for you. The Temple is also His precious Body and Blood.

He hears your voice and His one with you.

This morning's parable begins to prepare you for your journey through Lententide.

The Kingdom of Glory, the Heaven to come, yes, but that is not quite yet…that will be consummated at a later date than the present moment.

The Kingdom of Grace, the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, yes, and that is most definitely NOW…this very instant!

Heaven IS on Earth right now because He the "Heavenly One" is on Earth right now, right next to you in your midst, amongst this group!

How so?

Like this:

Your God is a man. Your savior is person. The God/Man Christ Jesus is the "householder," He is the owner (yea, the very maker) of the vineyard! Jesus is the one in the parable Who is the master, Lord, and founder of the vineyard.

A vineyard has but one purpose - - to be what it is! A vineyard is beautiful to the eye and nose. A vineyard is alive and fertile and harmonious. A vineyard PRODUCES VINES, which in turn PRODUCE FRUIT. The bountiful fruit gives wine and wine makes the heart glad. Wine is a God Given Gift which blends with family camaraderie and joyful communion! IT DOES!

He, the Lord, hires His workers. He employs them to work. It is entirely His decision, His choice, His gift, and His Grace! He doesn't operate the way you would. You are sinful and unclean. You are withered, contaminated, rotting and diseased. He is perfect and right.

There is no E.E.O.C. involved in His hiring practices. There are no quotas, unions, or HR liaisons. There are no laws or requirements to not discriminate. There are also no corrupt or greedy managers and "fat cat" owners; there is only the meek and mild Nazarene servant who brings men into His "work force" to bring them into His family business. For in reality, it is the Suffering Servant Who does all the work in the vineyard.

He selects who He selects! Oh the mysteries of God, how unsearchable are His ways.

The Lord hires the first group for a penny a day. These men are now in His employ because He has made it so. They are His and they have their assigned tasks and duties. They also have their reward guaranteed. Their ultimate receipts are based on the Lord's Word, His bond, and His truthfulness. They are also totally dependent on His goodness. He was under no compulsion to hire, to save, to provide for, anyone. He did the election of them purely out of love.

The second group of men is hired at the third hour. These men have been idle in the marketplace. Without Jesus coming to you and yours you too are idle - - idleness leading to death, putrefication and hell. Idle hands are the devil's playground goes the ancient saw; so true. Vocation of tending the Garden was your first Father's role. This second group is "hired" because the Lord wants MORE brothers in His fields: period! It has nothing to do with the first group or with tasks being left undone. It has everything to do with abundant mercy overflowing on behalf of the Householder Jesus! He says "whatever is right I will give you." He is the "Righteous One" and He gives Himself: that is Right! That is monergism - - the One Work of the Worker Messiah!

The Lord hires the third group of men at the 6th hour, the fourth group at the 9th hour and finally the last group at the 11th hour. These five groupings and all their dedication, hard work, sweat, and skill count for nothing in their rewards. For indeed the 5 of the Law, the Pentateuch saves and secures no one. Should you be commended for trying to obey the Law? Should a murderer be complimented for trying hard not to kill the victim that he eventually strangled? Should a worker be fawned over for doing what he was supposed to do in the first place?

Even comes. With the end of work, the cessation of vocation comes the rest, the Sabbath. When the chores are over there is naught left but the relaxation and refreshment of the meal and the fellowship. No head-table for the Householder while the hired hands have to eat out in the sheds and barns - - No! The Lord eats with his workers for they are no longer merely his disciples they are His brothers. He even washes their/your feet, and serves you with His own hands.

Is this the end of time and the Heavenly banquet? Yes.

Is this after Holy Baptism and the feast of the Word, Absolution and the Supper in the Church? Yes.

He is good and His mercy endureth forever. He gives not in parts, parcels, allotments, or measured portions. This is not rationing but overflowing cornucopias of Christ - - in all His ways of Love.

Jesus is not a "respecter" of color, origin, sex, nationality, political views, or work "output." He desires faithfulness not completed tasks. He desires confession and steadfastness not productivity, success, and so-many-pieces-churned out per/hour!

In the Glory to come at the Final Trump you who have been cradle-Christians will not begrudge those newly made Saints who were baptized, or who were quickened through the preached word, nano-seconds before the eschaton! So now too, train yourselves, discipline yourselves by the Holy Spirit's application of your Lord's words of love and charity to welcome all your earthly brothers and sisters who are late arrivals. Whether they be brand new disciples in "time," or whether they be miserable slackers according to your Pharisaical self-standards of propriety and nicety, accept them as full equals under the Cross.

Every man receives from this Householder a penny. The penny is the final payment; the only remuneration of the Redeemer. It is salvation itself. And now, in this Kingdom of Augsburg, this great "now, not yet," it is the forgiveness of sins and fellowship of the faithful.

Salvation has no "more" or "less." Oneness with Christ has no "part or parcel." There are no better parishioners, no worthier congregational members. Radio and Television talkers and "wind-bags" notwithstanding…the Church IS equality of result - - not the socialism of Marx but the family of Jesus. It is all in all for He is all in all. You all have the Great Pearl for you all have the Lord.

Along with the Apostle Paul, chief of sinners though you all be, Jesus the true Vineyard worker became the least so that you might become the greatest in the Kingdom of Grace. He let Himself be last, last unto suffering and death, that you might be first at Table.

He Who by rising from the dead, your death, is now the Firstfruits of the vineyard to which He has brought you. His Blood is the true fruit of the vine, the Cross, and He serves you with this reward.

In the Name of The Father and of + The Son and of The Holy Ghost