Good Friday

Saint John 18: 1 - 19: 42

Good Friday: 30 March Anno Domini 2018

Father Jay Watson SSP

In The Name + of Jesus

Today is the day that The Bride looks at her Groom and weeps in contrite cries of repentance.

Though occurring 2,000 years ago, the Vicarious Satisfaction for the sins of the world, still resonates throughout all time and space with a penetrating concussive NOW… “for you!”

Crucifixes are wood and metal and other materials and do not save.  But Crucifixes are Godly icons of The Son of God Who died on a cross to save.

There are no crucifixes in your immediate view this evening; hopefully you still have your own personal one hanging around your neck. The altar image is removed for we need to remember that Jesus not just suffered, not just bled and asphyxiated, but that He was taken down from The Cross…the wood was…well who knows what happened to the wood…and His precious Body was taken from ALL His disciples—until the Third Day.

Good Friday is Good because God died for you; He died to fix you; He died to forgive you your bad; He died in your place to take away the curse of death and the penalty of hell. 

So yes, you do well to remember and reflect on the what—The Paschal/Passover of damning death.  The wrath of God against your sin passed you by to rain down in unimaginable fury on the Only Begotten Son, the pure and undefiled Lamb.  But you do far better to mediate and focus on the why.

The Son of God did not suffer more physical pain than any other man has ever suffered if we were to count Him only a man, a good man.  And if we were to only focus on the outward suffering: crown of thorns, lashings, nails through flesh, and choking. But Jesus is God.  The Nazarene is both God and Man in One Person.  When the Man Jesus suffered and died, the God Jesus suffered and died—in that The One and Only Jesus suffered and died.  He suffered for the sins, all the sins ever committed, and the pain they’ve caused on others and on self.  He bore the pain of all that: physical, to be sure, but also emotional, psychological, and spiritual pain!

You should not become morose, maudlin, and overly dramatic.  He doesn’t want your sympathy and empathy, He wants your repentance. You need not try and force tears, feigned weeping, for poor pitiful Jesus…an innocent man.  Of course He was innocent, He’s Perfect God.  That innocence now rests upon you by way of imputed, declared GIFT. You don’t deserve to be innocent and immortal. But, you are.  Meditate upon the Incarnated God, i.e. meditate upon HOW God chose to obey the Law, pay for your law-breaking, and vanquish the devil and Hades.  Meditate on the Body and Blood of Jesus. Meditate on the sublime, peace passing understanding of The Blessed Eucharist! Calvary is past but The Holy Mass continues.

If the death of The God/Man occurred for you and happened because of you, how ought you to comport yourself?  Do you try or do you hold on to what is poured on and in you?  You are at the foot of The Cross and your dearest Savior is groaning and giving up the Ghost because you are a sinner.  You can’t stop being a sinner but you must never stop being sorrowful and repentant of your sins and your sinful state.  You can’t be at the foot of the cross, not really. But you can be at the foot of the altar on Sunday morning.

His blood pours down on you and instead of making you red and hot and sticky and gross…it makes you pure spotless white, and cool, and refreshed, and forgiven.  Because of The Good Friday this Friday too is good.  Every day you are given Jesus, and He is good, and His Mercy endureth forever. 

In the Name of the Father and + of the Son and of The Holy Ghost



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