Saint Matthew 16. 13-19; Saint John 20. 19-23

Lent Midweek 5: 22 March Anno Domini 2018

Father Jay Watson SSP

In The Name + of Jesus

A noted pastor friend pointed out to me how many historic Evangelishe (Lutheran) churches in Germany have beautiful confessional booths (Beichtstuhl). In fact, I recall reading that the Roman Catholic Church actually got the idea from us.

This goes to show how seriously our forebears took the Lutheran confessions, as Confession and Absolution is one of the six Chief Parts of the Christian faith - and something that Luther himself urged, saying, "When I urge you to go to confession, I'm urging you to be a Christian."

This Holy Sacrament of Absolution [Ap. Art. 13] is firmly attached to your Holy Baptism.  You are Baptized, not, you were Baptized.  Baptism is life.  Absolution is breathing in and out—living that life every moment.  Every time you come to Confession you are again bathing in the clear, cool, refreshing waters of rebirth and regeneration.  Absolution is Jesus for you.

The Office of The Keys is that power and authority Christ gave to Saint Peter and the other 11 Apostles. This is the Office of preaching and teaching The Word of God, as well as properly administering The Holy Sacraments. This office is also the bearer, holder, user, and guardian of the Binding and Loosing Keys of The Kingdom.  Yes, it is the “peculiar church power” to forgive the sins of penitent sinners” to be sure.  But who is that peculiar people, that royal priesthood but the very Bride of Christ the Church.  The Church as Church and not individuals as individuals. And as The Church is One, Holy, and Apostolic, so too it is Catholic—that is everywhere the parts according to the whole—the local parishes with their own Bishops, Apostles, and thus the Office of Peter continues to this very moment in Peter’s successors.  The Pastor is the one Christ entrusts with the Office of The Keys.  Not for the Pastor, but for the penitent. 

Sheep cannot be forced to eat.  A shepherd cannot force a lamb to drink…or do much of anything.  It is the gift of The Holy Ghost that Saints receive The Holy One and His Holy Things.  You can’t be forced to hear the Word. You can’t be bullied into receiving The Precious Body and Blood.  And as almost all of you know, you may never be convinced to come to Confession and Absolution.  Much the pity.

When Christ encountered the man with palsy, the one on a cot, let down through the roof, He forgave the cripple his sins—far more important than healing him. The Pharisees who claimed to believe in God were enraged that a man would so blaspheme by assuming the power to absolve.  To be sure The Christ was not just the perfect Man but also God in the flesh—The God/Man.  And yet, the very reason Jesus gave the Office of The Keys to His “sent ones,” His pastors, is that He wants flesh and blood to speak on behalf of His Own Precious Flesh and Blood.  He wants actual words placed into actual ears.  He wants His flock to have a Shepherd that they cannot just see but hear.

The Law?

The Law is broken by the pastor, by all the pastors, when they do not make this Sacrament—This Gospel Gift—This Word of God/Love of Christ readily available to their parishioners.

The Law is broken by the people when they refuse to come to receive Jesus’ forgiveness for all the wrong reasons. For who cannot be strengthened more, nourished more, cleansed and disinfected more. Who cannot but be benefited by more Life?

The devil wants you alone and talking to yourself. The Lord wants you with your family and talking to His under-shepherds.

The Small Catechism reads: “…before the pastor we should confess those sins…which we know and feel in our hearts.”  Yes.  The Holy Ghost be with you.

Luther went on to write in the Smalcald Articles [Pt. 3, Art. 3] “I will allow no man to take private confession away from me, and I would not give it up for all the treasures in the world, since I know what comfort and strength it has given me. No one knows what it can do for him except one who has struggled often and long with the devil. Yea, the devil would have slain me long ago, if the confession had not sustained me.”

The Life and Salvation Jesus won for you by His suffering and death on the cross for your sins…the sins which you don’t remember, and the sins which you “know and feel in your heart” are poured out for you in His Word of forgiveness—absolution upon confession.

When the pastor remits the sins, they are remitted. The Word of The Lord.

“[You] believe that, when the called ministers of Christ deal with [you] by His divine command, especially when they exclude manifest and impenitent sinners from the Christian congregation, and, again, when they absolve those who repent of their sins and are willing to amend, this is as valid and certain, in heaven also, as if Christ, [your] dear Lord, dealt with [you] Himself.”

In the Name of the Father and + of the Son and of The Holy Ghost



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